Thursday 15 August 2013

Welcome to our HIV SIngles Dating Blog

HIV has been with us for 30 years.  The original panic has subsided as the range of treatments have increased and now being HIV positive is more a 'lifestyle' than a death sentence.  Along with the original gay communities HIV/AIDS has found its way into the wider heterosexual community.

As the threat of early death has faded HIV singles have moved back into the niche dating community along with other lifestyle groups - vegetarians, christians, disabled etc.. - and now a plethora of niche dating sites have been created to serve an identifiable horny community.

This blog will help you evaluate the services available for HIV singles to date and socialise in the UK.

We will explain to you the new dating etiquette that accompany a HIV positive diagnosis and advise you on safe sex and sexual health issues.  There are so many hiv dating sites that an independent evaluation is important.